Effective April 8, 2020 at midnight Japan time, the Japanese government declared a state of emergency specifically designated for Tokyo, Osaka, Hyogo, Fukuoka, as well as the three prefectures surrounding Tokyo (Kanagawa, Saitama and Chiba) initially until May 6. The declaration was made under a special measures law, which will provide each prefectural governor the legal authority to request or demand restrictions on the use of various establishments in their respective prefectures,* such as schools, nurseries, movie theaters, exhibition halls, hotels, museums, art galleries and retail stores. Certain establishments are expected to be exempt, such as supermarkets (food and hygienic products only), drugstores, gasoline stands. Railroads, roads and essential utilities are also expected to continue operations (although the operators of specific train lines and essential utilities may adjust their operations as they deem appropriate).  Continue reading at Mayer Brown’s COVID-19 blog.