On January 1, 2024, the South Korean government launched a pilot program for digital nomad (or “workation”) visas. The pilot program will allow foreign nationals who work remotely for overseas corporations to live and work in South Korea for up to two years. With the introduction of the pilot program, South Korea joins several other countries – including Spain, Italy, Romania, Iceland, the United Arab Emirates, and Malaysia – in seeking to attract an increasingly mobile class of global talent through digital nomad visas.

South Korea’s “Workation” Visa Pilot Program

Under the pilot program, foreign nationals are eligible to apply for digital nomad visas to live in South Korea for one year while working remotely for an overseas company. The visa can then be extended for one additional year, for a maximum of two years. Family members of visa applicants are eligible to accompany them. Working for companies in South Korea is strictly prohibited.

To be eligible to apply for the pilot program, a foreign national must:

  • Be over age 18.
  • Be able to work remotely for a foreign company.
  • Have worked in the same industry for more than one year prior to applying.   
  • Have income of more than KRW84,960,000 (approximately $65,000) per year.
  • Have personal health insurance with coverage of at least KRW100,000,000 per year for hospital treatment and evacuation to their home country.

Foreign nationals may apply through the South Korean embassy or consulate in their home country. Foreign nationals who are currently in South Korea on short-term tourist visas are also eligible to apply through the immigration office in South Korea.

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