On November 1, 2021, Taiwan’s Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced that entry restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic will continue through at least February 14, 2022. Under the CECC restrictions, arriving passengers are required to quarantine for 14 days following arrival, and to complete a 7-day self-health management period after the end of quarantine.

The entry of most foreign nationals continues to be suspended under the updated CECC guidance. Only foreign nationals with an Alien Resident Card (ARC) are permitted to enter. Exceptions are being considered on a case-by-case basis for emergencies and on humanitarian grounds, and CECC approval for entry is required.

Quarantine Requirements for Arriving Travelers

Arriving travelers who have not visited “key high-risk countries” in the past 14 days will be required to take a deep-throat saliva test and a PCR test upon arrival at an airport or a port in Taiwan and to take a quarantine vehicle to a quarantine hotel or a group quarantine facility where they plan to complete quarantine at their own expense. Beginning December 14, such travelers shall also undergo a PCR test on the 9th or 10th day of quarantine, arranged by the local government. If the test result is negative, on the 11th day these individuals may take a quarantine taxi to return home or go to a residence of family or friends to undergo the last four days of quarantine (days 11-14).

Thus, beginning December 14 and extending through February 14, if the test results are negative, these travelers can return home to complete the quarantine period. Arriving travelers will also be required to take a PCR test one day prior to the end of their quarantine.

Key High-Risk Country List

 As of November 6, the CECC announced that three countries – India, the United Kingdom, and Myanmar – would be removed from the key high-risk country list. The CECC’s move follows its earlier removal of Israel and Indonesia, and means that the list of key high-risk countries is currently empty.

Instead, arrivals from these countries are now subject to quarantine measures applicable to arrivals from areas under Level 3 travel notice.

Please continue monitoring COVID-19 legal developments on our blog, The Mobile Workforce.